A Series of Taxonomic Studies of Wild Plants in Saudi Arabia 3 – B- The Structure of the Surface of the Style for Certain Types of the Genus Solanum Developing in Saudi Arabia

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences and Arts, University of Bisha, Bisha,Saudi Arabia.


The results of a study determining the exact composition of the surfaces of the style and trichomes by scanning electron microscopy of 12 samples of plants of the genus Solanum are: Solanum macrocantham ssp.1, Solanum macrocantham ssp. 2  ,Solanum nigrum ssp.1, Solanum nigrum ssp. 2 ,Solanum nigrum ssp. 3, Solanum nigrum ssp. 4, Solanum nigrum ssp. 5, Solanum schimperianum, Solanum sarratense, Solanum incanum, Solanum villosum  and Solanum coagulans.
Differences in the composition of the surfaces of the style and the trichomes of the samples under study could be classified into three types of style and seven types of trichomes, which can be reliably used in the classification of genus, and these differences have been made into a key to classification based on the results obtained.
