The Role of Some Studied Factor on The Sorghum bicolor Germination

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture Engineering Science, University of Raparin


The purpose of the current experiment was to compare the effects of a plant growth regulator (GA3) on the germination and growth of Sorghum seeds when it was soaked in distilled water that had been heated and when it was not heated (Sorghum bicolor). In order to create healthy seedlings, the seeds were treated with GA3 (0.2, 0.7, and 1.0) mg.L-1 along with a comparison treatment (0.0 mg.L-1) and soaked in water at two different temperatures (25 oC and 70 oC) for 24 hours.
            The speedy and uniform germination of Sorghum seeds and the development of seedlings, according to the study's findings, suggest excellent seed vigor. In comparison to the control, GA3 significantly affected the rate of germination. In terms of germination rate, shoot and root length, fresh and dry weight, and germination rate, GA3 at 1.0 mg. L-1 with soaking in hot water provided the greatest response. The corresponding values were 100.0%, 6.17 cm, 19.67 cm, 221.0 m-g, and 35.90 mg, respectively.
             In comparison to water that is at room temperature and is uncontaminated, soaking in hot water has a considerable impact on the percentage of sorghum seeds that germinate.
