Study the Activity of Treatment in Prolonging the Vase life of Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat.

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture Engineering Science, University of Raparin


           The current study was conducted from from 19/6/2022 until 20/8/2022. in the department of horticulture's college of agriculture at Raparin University, Qaladze, to assess the effects of different water types (Tap and Magnetic), sucrose concentrations (0, 2, and 4 g.l-1), and aspirin (100 mg.l-1) on the length of time chrysanthemums last in their vases (Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat.).
           The data were statistically analyzed using the Genestat statistical analysis program, and differences between the means of the treatments were considered significant when they were equal to or greater than the least significant difference (L.S.D.) at the 5% level. The experiment was factorial (25) and analyzed in a complete randomized design with 3 replicates, one flower to each replicate.
             Vase life (day), fresh weight (g), water intake (ml), and total chlorophyll were among the characteristics noted (mg.100g-1). Aspirin at 100 mg/l and sugar at 2 g/l were shown to be the most effective treatments for extending the life of cut flowers, increasing water absorption, increasing total chlorophyll, and increasing fresh weight at the greatest rates (21.0 days, 185.0 ml, 1.53 mg/100g-1, and 17.89 g) respectively. Nevertheless, applications of tap water without the use of any concentrations resulted in the lowest responses, which were 15.67 days, 128.0 ml, 0.25 mg.100g-1, and 12.30 g, respectively.
